Conference Report: Energy Developments in South East Mediterranean
Will geopolitical obstacles prevent the Eastern Med from realising its hydrocarbon potential?

 How will the Syria conflict impact the East Med’s exploration progress? How can the maritime border conflict between Israel and Lebanon be resolved? Is a resolution of the conflict a prerequisite for the two countries to make use of their natural gas deposits? Is theEast Med under pressure to reach exploration phase before an eventual drop in natural gasprices due to an oversupply of natural gas? Is the drop in natural gas prices imminent or only theoretical? Will the US play an important role in changing the rules of the game hence affecting the East Med’s ability to monetize its riches? Will the shale revolution anchor natural gas prices? Where will the East Med gas head towards? Which routes will be adopted to transport and deliver the natural gas to consumers? How can Europe contribute in supporting the Eastern Mediterranean in its path towards energy self-sufficiency/ export? Will theTAP/TANAP projects aimed at ensuring the security of natural gas supply to the European Union facilitate the transportation of East Med gas? 

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