On April 2, 2019 the Chairman of the Lebanese Petroleum Authority- Walid Nasr- announced that Lebanon will be ready by the end of 2019 to start the exploratory drilling in block 4 followed by block 9 in 2020.
On February 25th, 2020 Tungsten Explorer drillship arrived at the location of the first exploration well in block 4 of the Lebanese waters where two logistical support vessels were waiting for it at the drilling point to provide the necessary equipment
On February 29th, 2020 Lebanon launched its first exploratory drill in block 4 with the consortium Total, ENI and Novatek.
On April 27th, 2020 Minister of Energy and Water Raymond Ghajar announced that Lebanon’s first foray into offshore exploration in block 4 has found a dry well
For more information, click here
In February 2021, The LPA published a list of all companies sub contracted to execute the drilling of the exploratory well in Block4. The list also includes the names of the companies’ ultimate beneficial owners.
Check it out here