Interview with Mr. Farouk Al-Kasim: Lebanon Must Widen its Consultative Process to Ensure Success in its Oil and Gas Sector

With the support of the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), the Lebanese Center for Policy Studies (LCPS) and the Lebanese Petroleum Administration (LPA) organized a two-day workshop on June 19-20, 2014 on “Governing the Oil and Gas Sector” to discuss the challenges and opportunities for Lebanon given the prospects of finding gas off its coast.

On the sidelines of the workshop, LCPS conducted an exclusive interview with renowned Iraqi oil and gas expert, Mr. Farouk Al-Kasim to discuss the present situation of the oil and gas sector in Lebanon and solicit his opinion about the steps for moving forward.

Lebanon Must Widen its Consultative Process to Ensure Success in its Oil and Gas Sector

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