Lebanon Onshore Oil and Gas 'Promising'

Lebanon’s promise as a natural gas exporter and proximity to European energy

markets will put unprecedented benefits within reach of its population, an industry veteran

told a conference in Beirut on Monday, but only if its politicians stop squabbling and get their

priorities in order.

“First of all the political class needs to elect a president,” said Roudi Baroudi, CEO of Doha-
based Energy & Environment Holding, an independent consultancy, during his presentation

at the “Oil & Gas Lebanon: Governance and Integration” forum.

“Only then will international oil companies (IOCs) be reassured that the era of paralyzed

government in Lebanon is over, and only then can those same politicians achieve and abide

by a national consensus that outlines how Lebanon will effectively and responsibly exploit its

hydrocarbon reserves.”..............continue reading

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