What has LOGI been up to? [July 2019]

LOGI, in collaboration with Kulluna Irada and in partnership with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung-Lebanon, hosted a closed experts meeting  on the issue of sovereign wealth funds in early July. The meeting saw the participation of all major stakeholders in Lebanon and an international expert on the topic, Andrew Bauer, an expert on natural resource revenue management at the Natural Resource Governance Institute.

LOGI and Kulluna Irada feel that there is a public conversation that needs to be held prior to the ratification of a sovereign wealth fund law. 

A policy brief containing key recommendations resulting from the expert meeting will be issued in August. 

LOGI also organized an expert meeting on a law for onshore oil and gas exploration in partnership with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung-Lebanon. 

The idea behind the experts meeting was to initiate a conversation prior to the development of such a relevant law. Lebanese experts gathered around with Ms. Tonje Gormley, a legal international expert in the oil and gas field, facilitating and guiding the discussion. A policy brief is also being prepared summarizing the key principles agreed upon during the experts meeting.

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