Looking onshore
After a nearly 50 year break, the hunt is back on

Although Lebanon’s seven onshore exploration wells — drilled between 1947 and 1967 — all turned up dry, that does not mean there are no hydrocarbons buried beneath Lebanese territory. In fact, the search for onshore oil or gas resources is ongoing, despite complications related to security problems along Lebanon’s northern and northeastern borders with Syria. US based NEOS GeoSolutions plans to conduct aerial onshore surveying soon. In an email response to questions for this special report, the Lebanese Petroleum Administration (LPA) says, “The project is under mobilization and [we] expect the wheels up before the end of the month.” A NEOS press release from January 2014 says, “Our neoBASIN survey has been designed to map the regional prospectivity of northern Lebanon by integrating legacy well and 2-D seismic data with newly acquired airborne geophysical datasets. Among other things, our geoscientists will work with the program’s underwriters to identify the relationships among key geologic features that extend into the survey area from offshore structures and from Syria’s onshore petroleum systems, as well as to efficiently highgrade acreage across the survey area.”

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