What has LOGI been up to? [March 2020]

In partnership with MTV’s Sar el Wa2it  (It’s About Time) program and in collaboration with the National Democratic Institute-NDI Lebanon, LOGI delivered a 2-hour training session to around 40 participants. LOGI shared an update on the developments in the oil and gas sector in addition to information on LOGI’s latest campaign asking for open parliamentary sessions. To view the video for the campaign, please click the following link

LOGI’s team locked down their office and are currently working from home, in accordance with the Stay Home policy to combat COVID19 outbreak. While the lockdown has put the brakes on most of our daily routines, it is allowing us more time to catch up on a number of interesting readings. LOGI recommends that you engage in reading some of its very relevant and timely publications. For full access to its publications, please click on the following link

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